Thursday, May 6, 2010

not really done...but "had" to get something up here...

Turmoil. Waves rolling through the ocean. Rushing, pushing, shoving. It cares not for your sanity. Lose your footing, sense of balance. You want to look, stay and watch. You can’t quite bring yourself to do so. You want to turn, run away, forget it all. But it’s there all the same, inescapable. Stay. Run. Stay. Run. Go back to being a little child, crawl up in his lap again. life throws the curveballs, shakes up the game. Not a team player, an unfair opponent. Take the accidents, the incidents, the moments of pain; take the blows. Take a deep breath, get over it. Happens all the time; everyone has low points, bad times. But to deal with it twenty-four seven, day in, day out. see the decline. Watch the fall. Happening in slow motion, no stopping it now. It’s beyond all control…(incomplete)

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