Saturday, May 24, 2008

pictures from formal.

for those of you who dont have a facebook:

my corsage.


trying to be normal.

wild hair.

at dinner.

crazy insane amazing week =]

the end of an uber busy week...
saturday the 17th --- christine elsas' birthday party. i went on a tire swing for the first time in forever. and i found that i love it. except when theres a big tree in the way. and abbey pushes me right towards the tree. and then when i go to get off, theres a big puddle of nastiness to step in. haha. then there was the moon bounce. with sweaty hats. and a sweaty red ball. always fun. and then beating richard at foosball...o yes. =]
sunday the 18th --- movie day with youth group! we went to see Prince Caspian. o gaspeth! haha. the movie was good. the acting wasnt the best. and they didnt follow along with the book as much as they did in the first one. but the good looking guys made up for it. JUST KIDDING! =P then we had youth group as always. ((and i got a late mother's day present of chocolate galore from my darling kristen YAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!))
monday the 19th --- big day of misunderstanding and pain! haha that sounds worse than it is really. ok. so i slept in a bit on monday because i thought my mom said i wasnt going to school because of the business of the day that you are about to hear about. she had forgotten her cell phone the night before when she left for work. so she had no way of calling us and we had no way of getting a hold of her. she came home around 9:15 am and was not happy at all. apparently, she had said that i was supposed to go to school and she would pick me up there. she had gone to the school and they couldnt find me. she then went to the ortho, thinking that my dad had dropped me off there when he knew i was running late. but i wasnt there. so she came home, obviously not too happy with me and my stupidness. anywho. so we went to the ortho and they took off my top wire. then i went to the dentist, got shot up with enough novacaine to make me numb for 50 million years, hung upside down ((slight exaggeration for the betterment of this story)) for about an hour while he drilled away and tried to play psychologist to the dental hygenist. *sighs* after that i had a really bad headache and felt slightly sick to my stomach. so i went home and slept for a bit. then it was off to the ortho again for my regular appointment and tightening nasties. what a day!
tuesday the 20th --- nothing too exciting happened. i had to take the first part of a random algebra 2 test for the state. failure and a half. =] i also had show choir that night and it was intense since our concert was thursday.
wednesday the 21st --- quite busy i would say. i had to take the second part of the random algebra 2 test for the state. again. failure and the other half. gooo me! then show choir went on a EDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIP! to walnut woods, the mall, and st. john's. yay! so we sang all morning, descended on the mall in furious droves, and then sang to some random people at some random meeting at katie's chruch (st. john's) then got some yummy cookies!!! yay! we then went back to the school just in time to leave. go us! after school i had my voice lesson with mrs. black. o how i love that woman! haha. she told me that i stand too much like a man at times. im not quite sure how to take that. butttt she also says that my recital pieces are coming along. and even better news...the recital has been moved to June 22nd. which means i wont have to hurry home from pittsburgh and wont have to miss out on an amazing van ride! yay!
thursday the 22nd --- i had a luncheon for fcs that i had to work at randomly through out the school day. that was fun. and yummy. shhh! at the end of the day, we had practice for chorus for the concert. after school i had about an hour to get my stuff together and ready and then went to set up for our youth group yard sale. i stupidly forgot a sweatshirt and it was rainy and wet and cold. but eric let me borrow his and i still got wet. lol. but i had to leave after about 2 hours or so to go to my chorus concert. which was amazing. and i cried. cuz im a wuss. haha no. i just dont wanna leave jr. high. and i suddenly realized just how much i love our show choir even with its drama and nasty people and nasty situations. then i finally got to go home!
friday the 23rd --- nothing special happened at all.

friday the 23rd --- just kidding. =] i went to richard's formal with him. yay! tehe. i went to his house for pictures and then to the reading country club for more pictures and food. then SURPRISE we're going bowling! o yay! in a dress. woot woot. then we went to his teacher's house for a party. but we didnt get to stay that long because it was pretty late. then we met anna at walmart in pottstown. after they left, elise, anna, rachel, rachel's friend who i dont know, phil and i had a "dance party" in the parking lot. well, rachel and i kinda stood there to the beat. =]
but suddenly, these gangsters came out of nowhere and were coming towards us. so we all dove awkwardly into the car and drove away rather quickly. haha. it was great. then i went home, put up some pictures on my facebook of the night, and went to sleep.
here's my favorite picture of the night:
saturday the 24th --- after waking up at like 10:30ish...i was rather slow in getting ready. which made me get to the youth group yard sale a bit later than i wanted to. ((12:30)) it was a fun day. i randomly got some stuff: old records to put on my wall...vintage...oooo yes!; nail polish...that i shared =]; a penguin mug; a penguin hand puppet; and other random things. yay! i learned how to tie a tie!!! and it looks good!!! not that i will ever need that skill but still. i was quite proud of myself. although some people just couldnt accept that fact that i have skills, insisting that i got outside help. *sighs*. and all day, i was walking around barefoot. in the mud. and grass. and mud. and stones. and mud. yay! but my feet were really dirty. and kinda hurt.
and that is the overview of my crazy week.
looks like im gonna have a busy day tomorrow.
and next week im going on vacation!!!
yay yay yay! =D

Saturday, May 17, 2008

lots of catching up...

so once again...i havent blogged in a long time. and i've heard ALL about it, believe you me.
so here it goes...

so its been a month and a day since i last blogged. ((previous entry does not count...APPARENTLY!!!)) anywho. i've been busy.

first there was the ninth grade project. which was fun. i was project manager and my group was a ragtag of kids. lol. but it all came together in the end. and although we didnt "get hired" after our presentation, we all did our very best and we were still amazing. as was the chocolate cheesecake i made. yummay! =] sister ruth graduated from Millersville University last weekend. so we went out there for that and then back to my sister lydia's house for a family get together with a long lost cousin or two. thats always fun.

yesterday afternoon, we went to the high school for a tour. i was still wearing my heels from earlier ((we had to get dressed up for the presentations)), and had a bit of a wipe-out going down the stairs. i tripped over myself, slid down about 5 steps, and kerplopped on the landing...all in the most gracefully, non-klutzy way possible for me. =] as i went down i grabbed jordyn's arm as a reflex and she screamed, as she had her back to me and didnt see it coming. i almost took her down with me. as i was towards the front of the 30 person group, everyone saw my tumble. at first, everyone was like *GASPETH* ARE YOU OK!?!?!?! and ms. terizzi almost had a heart attack. but then i got over my shock and laughed, which made everyone at ease and they laughed too. my one ankle did swell at bit and it hurt to put my full weight on it for a while. but it got better quickly and nothing was broken. pretty much the most exciting thing that happened. haha. the tour was pretty awful so i have an offer from megan mcglinchey to get a private tour this summer. YAY!

last night was the ninth grade dance. i went with my best buddy boy eric specht =] ((he got me flowers...and i couldnt open the plastic box...and the strap was velcro and he couldnt get it on my was great.)) also went with all the girls ((katie, emily, jordyn, ashley, amber, and others)) and the random boys that tagged along ((dave, jt, joe, and others)) blonde moment of the night...well one of them...i tried to pull up on the water fountain handle...but u have to push down...and the teasing didnt stop after that...but we had some great times and great memories were made...tehe

so i guess thats bout it for now. at least those are the highlights that i can remember at the moment. lots of stuff coming up. so i guess i'll be blogging a bit more often. stupid peer pressure. =P

the title.

i blogged. =]